Alameda Kids Resource Directory
Agency name:
Family Paths, Inc.
Program name:
Fatherhood & Co-parenting: Beyond Conflict
Program Last Updated: 02/24/2025
Program Start Date: 05/08/2025 | Program End Date: 06/12/2025
Program AKA (also known as): Fatherhood & Co-parenting: Beyond Conflict, On-Line 6-week Series)
Program Description: This 6-week series is guided by the principles—empathy, purpose, integrity, and gratitude. The curriculum is designed to build confidence and enhance the co-parenting experience for Dads or father figures. This program benefits Dads who live with their children or separated from them. To register please call our Parenting Stress Helpline @ 1-800-829-3777. Limited Space Available.
General Comments: The class is provided on-line via ZOOM meetings on Thursdays 5/8/25 thru 6/12/25 from 6:30PM - 8:30PM (PDT) with a Live instructor who is a Certified Fatherhood Specialist. Participants are expected to attend with their cameras ON, ready to share, learn, and participate. Upon successful completion participants will receive a certificate of completion. An additional gift card incentive will be provided to those who qualify.
Service Address: 1727 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Oakland, CA 94612
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Program Website:
Program Contact(s):
- Name: Julianne Rositas, MPA, MSEd
Phone: (510) 893-2074
Address: 1727 Martin Luther King Jr. Way Oakland, CA 94612
Social Websites:
Other Services: For additional support we provide scheduled calls from our Parenting Stress Helpline if needed.
Other Participants: Fathers and father figures
- English
Genders served:
- Male
Type of cost:
- Sliding Scale
Other Type of Cost: Free to Alameda Co. Residents who qualify, or have Alameda Alliance medi-cal, or sliding scale
Comments about cost: Participants out of Alameda Co. are welcome on a sliding scale
Cost payment:
- Self-Pay with cash, check or credit card
Target Group: Fathers and men in father roles
Intake Procedure:
- Telephone registration
Other Intake Procedures: call 800-829-3777