Alameda Kids Resource Directory
Agency name:
Seneca Family of Agencies
Program name:
Alameda Connections (FSP 0-10 Wraparound)
Program Last Updated: 02/03/2025
Program AKA (also known as): Birth - 10 Wraparound Program
Program Description: Alameda Connections Early Childhood Wraparound Program serves the youngest Alameda County children (ages birth-10) who are experiencing difficulties in school and/or may need more intensive support services to stabilize. Alameda Connections serves families who are experiencing difficulties in any number of areas including: parent-child relationship problems, at risk of losing school placement, and/or behavioral issues with their child. We use a team approach with a Care Coordinator (clinician-level) who leads treatment team meetings, organizes treatment and works more directly to support felt needs of the caregiver (access to resources, case management, etc.) and a support counselor who provides services in the home, school, and community. We also have a Family Partner who may be assigned to work with a family and who provides individualized support to the caregiver.
Service Address: 8945 Golf Links Road, Oakland, CA - CALIFORNIA 94605
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Program Contact(s):
- Name: Marjie Harper
Title: Clinical Supervisor
Phone: (510) 695-1783
Fax: (510) 342-7255
Address: 8750 Mountain Blvd, bldg 69 Oakland, CA 94605
Ages Served:
- 0 months - 12 months
- 12 months - 18 months
- 18 months - 24 months
- 2 years - 3 years
- 3 years - 4 years
- 4 years - 5 years
- 5 years & up
- 5 years - 8 years
Total possible number of openings: 20
Number of openings remaining: 0
Is there a wait list: Sometimes
Comment about wait list: We are anticipating openings in March/April.
- Age
- Medi-Cal
Other Requirements: ACCESS requires one (not all) : 1) not making progress after 6 mo. of therapy 2) reduction in preschool hours or need 1:1; 3) expulsion/suspension 4) 2/3 of following: risk of homelessness, not meeting dev milestones, or recent hospitalization
- Referrals to community resources
- Parenting education
- Parent support
- Kindergarten enrollment
- Help finding child care
- Family legal/advocacy
- Early childhood mental health
- Case management
- Basic Needs
Location Type:
- Home-based
- School-based
- Office-based
- Both children and parents/caregivers
- Chinese
- English
- Spanish
Genders served:
- Female
- Male
- Trans
Type of cost:
- No Fee
Cost Fee: N/A
Comments about cost: Program funded through Medi-cal.
Cost payment:
- No fees
Disabilities Served:
- Developmental
- Mental/Emotional
Target Group: Children from birth to 10 years who have significant social-emotional and behavioral challenges
Required documentation:
- Proof of Insurance
- Referral from other agency or professional
Preferred documentation:
- Medical/Psych Records
Intake Procedure:
- Appointment Required (no walk-ins.)