Alameda Kids Resource Directory
Agency name:
Mujeres Unidas y Activas
Program name:
Oakland: Support Groups & Informational Meetings
Program Last Updated: 05/20/2024
This information has not been updated in 90 days. Please check with this agency to see if any changes have occured to this program information
Program Start Date: 01/01/2019 | Program End Date: 01/01/2025
This program has ended and is currently no longer running.
Program Description: Topics of meetings range from a support group format to informational workshops on mental health, stress, domestic violence, childhood development, community issues and larger political issues, as well as open topics that allow participants to share their own stories and experiences. Child care provided.
Service Address: 2783 E. 12th Street, Oakland , CA 94601
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Program Website:
Program Contact(s):
- Name: Maria Carrillo
Phone: 510-261-3398
Extension: 252
Ages Served:
- Adults
- None
- Parent support
- Family violence
- Family legal/advocacy
- Family Counseling services
Other Services: support group
Location Type:
- Agency-based
Other Participants: Immigrant Women (child care provided)
- Spanish
Genders served:
- Female
Type of cost:
- No Fee
Target Group: Latina immigrant women
Program Operating Hours | Start Time - End Time |
Monday | |
Tuesday | 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Weekly |
Wednesday | |
Thursday | 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Weekly |
Friday | |
Saturday | |
Sunday |
Required documentation:
- None
Intake Procedure:
- Walk-in
- Telephone registration
Other Intake Procedures: 415-431-2562