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Alameda Kids Resource Directory

Agency name:

Alameda County Behavioral Health Department

Program name:

Building Hope/Construyendo Esperanza

Program Last Updated: 07/15/2024

Program AKA (also known as): ACBHCS Early Childhood Mental Health

Program Description: Building Hope/Construyendo Esperanza is a program of Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services that began in 2000. Building Hope is a prevention and early intervention program for children ages 0-8 and their families. Building Hope provides home-based and clinic-based child-parent psychotherapy and family therapy. Services focus on trauma, behavioral, social-emotional, attachment, and/or developmental concerns that parents and caregivers have in their relationship with their young children. Case management, advocacy, and referral services are also provided to the children and families Building Hope serves. In addition, Building Hope offers Family Partner involvement. Family Partners are professional staff members who are family members with children with special needs. Family Partners help caregivers advocate for their children, access and navigate community resources, and improve their daily living situation.

Service Address: 7200 Bancroft Ave, Ste 125D, Oakland, CA 94605
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Program Contact(s):

  • Name: Deb Yates, LCSW
    Title: Program Supervisor
    Phone: 510-383-5429
    Fax: 510-777-3880
    Address: 7200 Bancroft Ave, Ste 125D Oakland, CA 94605

Ages Served:

  • 0 months - 12 months
  • 12 months - 18 months
  • 18 months - 24 months
  • 2 years - 3 years
  • 3 years - 4 years
  • 4 years - 5 years
  • 5 years & up
  • 5 years - 8 years

Total possible number of openings: varies

Number of openings remaining: 1

Openings by language: Spanish

Is there a wait list: Sometimes

Comment about wait list: We typically do not keep a waitlist but refer to other similar programs with openings


  • Age
  • Income
  • Live in certain residence: Alameda County
  • Medi-Cal

Other Requirements: We serve children up to 7.4 years old.


  • Parenting education
  • Parent support
  • Mental Health Services for parents
  • Family violence
  • Family Counseling services
  • Early childhood mental health
  • Case management

Location Type:

  • Home-based
  • Center-based
  • Agency-based
  • Office-based


  • Both children and parents/caregivers
  • Families


  • English
  • Spanish

Genders served:

  • Female
  • Male
  • Trans

Type of cost:

  • No Fee

Comments about cost: Child needs to have full-scope Medi-Cal

Cost payment:

  • No fees
  • Medi-Cal/Alameda Alliance

Disabilities Served:

  • Mental/Emotional

Target Group: Children ages 0-8 and their families experiencing social-emotional difficulties, trauma, loss, behavioral concerns, developmental concerns. and attachment needs

Program Operating Hours Start Time - End Time

08:30 AM - 6:30 PM Weekly


08:30 AM - 6:30 PM Weekly


08:30 AM - 6:30 PM Weekly


08:30 AM - 6:30 PM Weekly


08:30 AM - 5:00 PM Weekly


Required documentation:

  • Proof of Insurance

Other Required documentation: Child\'s Social Security # or Medi-Cal number

Intake Procedure:

  • Telephone registration


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View the EPSDT 0-5 Early Childhood Mental Health Openings List
Mental Health Services Child Therapy, Social Skills Groups, Family Counseling,
Case Management and EPSDT Openings List