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Family violence services in Alameda County

Alameda Kids Resource Directory

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Womens Daytime Drop In Center

Last Updated: March/3/2025

Agency Name: Women's Daytime Drop-In Center (Berkeley)

Description: Women’s Daytime Drop-in Center (WDDC) offers hospitality services to unhoused women and families. These service are available Monday, Wednesday and Friday between the hours of 9am and 1pm. This includes a hot meal, groceries, hygiene items and diapers. Mail receipt service is available for registered clients. Housing resources and problem solving services are available with our case managers by appointment only. Best to call in advance. WDDC is empowering women and children to move from the streets to a home by providing housing problem solving services and support, housing case management and referral services, and a transitional housing program for four single parent families. The WDDC has evolved from its original mission of providing emergency and crisis response to a program of on-going support services. WDDC serves an average of 300 households each month in a nurturing, home-like environment. Services are available at no fee to any homeless woman or family.

Service Address: 2218 Acton Street
Berkeley, CA , 94702

Program Contact(s):

  • Name: Housing Case Manager
    Phone: 510-548-2884
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City of Fremont Youth and Family Services - Clinic

Access to programs depends on eligibility. Please click the View Program Details button and look at the Requirements section.

Last Updated: March/1/2025

Agency Name: City of Fremont, Youth and Family Services

Description: The City of Fremont offers several family-focused behavioral health services for children and youth ages 0 to 21 years old to improve their social-emotional well-being, strengthen family relationships, reduce delinquency, and increase school achievement. As needed, families are linked to community resources. Affordable fees are based on income and family size. Medi-Cal insurance accepted.

Service Address: 39155 Liberty Street, Suite E-500
Fremont, CA, 94538

Program Contact(s):

  • Name: Joyce Lim
    Title: Clinical Supervisor
    Phone: 510-574-2128
    Fax: 510-574-2105
    Address: 39155 Liberty Street, Suite E-500 Fremont, CA 94538
  • Name: Annie Bailey
    Title: Administrator
    Phone: 510-574-2100
    Fax: 510-574-2105
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Early Childhood Counseling Program

Access to programs depends on eligibility. Please click the View Program Details button and look at the Requirements section.

Last Updated: March/1/2025

Agency Name: City of Fremont, Youth and Family Services

Description: Youth & Family Services' (YFS) Early Childhoood Counseling Program staff are specialized in early childhood development and parenting. They work with parents and caregivers at the YFS clinic and providing home visits as applicable. Given permission, some children can also be seen at their school settings. Telehealth meetings are also available. Services that the Early Childhood Program staff provide: -Consultation about developmental, social emotional and behavioral concerns -Consultation on parenting strategies and resources -Providing information about how to access services for parents and families -Counseling and consultation for parents on improving their relationship with their infant, toddler or young children up to age 8 years old.

Service Address: 39155 Liberty Street. Suite E-500
Fremont , CA, 94538

Program Contact(s):

  • Name: Joyce Lim
    Title: Clinical Supervisor
    Phone: 510-574-2128
    Fax: 510-574-2105
    Address: 39155 Liberty Street, Suite E-500 Fremont, CA 94538
  • Name: Annie Bailey
    Title: Administrator
    Phone: 510-574-2100
    Fax: 510-574-2105
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Building Hope/Construyendo Esperanza

Access to programs depends on eligibility. Please click the View Program Details button and look at the Requirements section.

Last Updated: February/28/2025

Agency Name: Alameda County Behavioral Health Department

Description: Building Hope/Construyendo Esperanza is a program of Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services that began in 2000. Building Hope is a prevention and early intervention program for children ages 0-8 and their families. Building Hope provides home-based and clinic-based child-parent psychotherapy and family therapy. Services focus on trauma, behavioral, social-emotional, attachment, and/or developmental concerns that parents and caregivers have in their relationship with their young children. Case management, advocacy, and referral services are also provided to the children and families Building Hope serves. In addition, Building Hope offers Family Partner involvement. Family Partners are professional staff members who are family members with children with special needs. Family Partners help caregivers advocate for their children, access and navigate community resources, and improve their daily living situation.

Service Address: 7200 Bancroft Ave, Ste 125D
Oakland, CA, 94605

Program Contact(s):

  • Name: Deb Yates, LCSW
    Title: Program Supervisor
    Phone: 510-383-5429
    Fax: 510-777-3880
    Address: 7200 Bancroft Ave, Ste 125D Oakland, CA 94605
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Access to programs depends on eligibility. Please click the View Program Details button and look at the Requirements section.

Last Updated: February/23/2025

Agency Name: Family Paths, Inc.

Description: The Parenting Stress Helpline (800)829-3777 offers assistance to families and caregivers of children 0-18 years of age, and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The helpline is staffed by professional and volunteer counselors, who support parents and caregivers around a variety of parenting issues. Counselors are available to talk with parents about their stress and worries parenting infants, children, and teenagers as well as other family stresses or concerns. The helpline is also there for families in crisis, experiencing high stress, or needing assistance finding community resources or signing up for services offered through Family Paths. We offer therapy for children and caregivers, parent education classes, classes for fathers, group for Spanish speaking dads and a group for moms who have experienced trauma. Helpline counselors will make the referrals to these services. Helpline counselors are trained to supportively listen to callers’ needs, and help callers explore options for their situation. The helpline serves Alameda County parents and caregivers from all backgrounds, incomes, and family structures with respect, integrity, compassion, and hope.

Service Address: 1727 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Suite 109
Oakland, CA, 94612

Program Contact(s):

  • Name: Vanessa Hernandez
    Title: Program Coordinator
    Phone: 510-380-1741
    Extension: 0241
  • Name: Kim San Gabriel
    Title: Program Manager-Helpline
    Phone: 510-380-1738
    Extension: 238
    Address: 1727 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way Oakland, California 94612
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Womens Daytime Drop In Center Housing Programs

Access to programs depends on eligibility. Please click the View Program Details button and look at the Requirements section.

Last Updated: July/11/2024

Agency Name: Women's Daytime Drop-In Center (Berkeley)

Description: Housing programs are available to eligible women and children. Shelter Plus Care: The Shelter Plus Care program provides long term rental assistance and case management for homeless persons with disabilities. Housing Retention: The Housing Retention Program provides grants to eligible Berkeley residents facing eviction. These grants allow individuals and families to pay overdue rent to maintain their housing.

Service Address: 2218 Acton Street
Berkeley, CA , 94702

Program Contact(s):

  • Name: Housing Case Manager
    Phone: 510-548-2884
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Shelter Services and Community Outreach

Last Updated: July/3/2024

Agency Name: Ruby's Place

Description: Ruby's Place provides a free service to the community to access information, referrals and counseling including: 1. A Community Resource Mental Health and Outreach Office 2. Hourly Therapy services for Women, Men, Children and Families 3. Substance Abuse Assessment 4. Victims of Crime application assistance 5. Mental Illness Assessments 6. Psychiatric referrals 7. Crisis Counseling 8. Referral Services for mental health issues 9. Legal advocacy for: immigration, T-visa, U-visa, VAWA. Restraining Order’s completed in the office, court advocacy, attorney referrals. 10. Other Advocacy: CalWorks applications and advocacy for DV “stop clock”, Social Services applications, child care referrals. 11. Provide small hygiene supplies, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, etc.

Service Address: 1180 B Street
Hayward, CA, 94541

Program Contact(s):

  • Name: Jennifer Malvoux
    Title: Director of Programs
    Phone: 510-786-1246
    Address: 1180 B Street Hayward, CA 94541
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Counseling and Outreach Services

Last Updated: July/3/2024

Agency Name: Ruby's Place

Description: Ruby's Place is offering counseling and outreach services for men, women, and children. The services are free of charge.Individual therapy and family therapy for women, men, and children. Including issues such as: Trauma, Grief, Depression and Anxiety, Family and Peer Conflict, Self-Esteem, Addictions, Coping Skills and more! Make an appointment by phone 510-931-5921

Service Address: 1180 B Street
Hayward, CA, 94541

Program Contact(s):

  • Name: Rachel Pfeffer
    Title: Interim Executive Director
    Phone: (510) 695-2376
    Address: 1180 B Street Hayward, CA 94541
  • Name: Jennifer Malvoux
    Title: Director of Programs
    Phone: 510-786-1246
    Address: 1180 B Street Hayward, CA 94541
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Fatherhood Is Brotherhood

Last Updated: May/20/2024

Agency Name: Native American Health Center

Description: Fatherhood Is Brotherhood was started in June of 2020. Native American Health Centers first program geared towards Fatherhood. Fatherhood Is Brotherhood Breaking The Cycle was created for Fathers to have a save place where fathers can connect with other fathers and discuss topics that are concerns for Fathers and finding ways to accomplish there goals as a Parent

Service Address: 3124 International Blvd
Oakland , CA, 94601

Program Contact(s):

  • Name: Paul Millard
    Title: Fatherhood Leader/ Home Visitor
    Phone: 4155041486
    Address: 3124 International Blvd Oakland , CA 94601
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Counseling and Referrals 510-261-3398

Last Updated: May/20/2024

Agency Name: Mujeres Unidas y Activas

Description: Our members receive special training to provide counseling sessions -Clinicas del Alma- to their peers, provide referrals to other agencies, and information regarding other community resources. MUA members are certified as Domestic Violence Advocates and Sexual Assault Crisis Counselors and are here to listen to every woman who comes into our office with compassion and confidentiality. Counselors are available at MUA’s offices from 10AM to 5PM, Monday through Friday or via the phone: Oakland, 510-261-3398

Program Contact(s):

  • Agency Name: Mujeres Unidas y Activas
    Phone: 510-261-3398
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Oakland: Support Groups & Informational Meetings

Last Updated: May/20/2024

Agency Name: Mujeres Unidas y Activas

Description: Topics of meetings range from a support group format to informational workshops on mental health, stress, domestic violence, childhood development, community issues and larger political issues, as well as open topics that allow participants to share their own stories and experiences. Child care provided.

Service Address: 2783 E. 12th Street
Oakland , CA , 94601

Program Contact(s):

  • Name: Maria Carrillo
    Phone: 510-261-3398
    Extension: 252
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Lincoln's Kinship Support Services Program

Access to programs depends on eligibility. Please click the View Program Details button and look at the Requirements section.

Last Updated: May/20/2024

Agency Name: Lincoln Families

Description: Lincoln’s Kinship Support Services Program provides free services to kinship families – families in which a child is being raised by his or her relative. Our goal at KSSP is to support our families in any way possible to ensure that the child stays with a relative caregiver versus entering the foster care system. Services include but are not limited to: • Case Management, advocacy and referral for financial, legal, mental health, emergency, and education services. • Free workshops and Kin Conference • Support groups for both caregivers and youth • Free homework help and academic support • Free weekend youth recreation activities • Family events • Youth Leadership program and Volunteering • Teen co-parenting support We serve families in Southern Alameda County: San Lorenzo, San Leandro, Castro Valley, Hayward, Fremont, Newark, Union City, Sunol, Dublin, Livermore, and Pleasanton.

Service Address: 111 Review Way
Hayward, CA, 94544

Program Contact(s):

  • Agency Name: Lincoln Families
    Phone: 5102734700
    Address: 1266 14th St Oakland, California 94607
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Cultura y Bienestar

Last Updated: May/20/2024

Agency Name: La Clinica De La Raza

Description: Cultura y Bienestar is a Latino focused prevention and early intervention, mental health access program This exciting new program employs Mental Health Specialists, Community Health Educators/Promotores and Traditional Healers to provide Mental Health promotion and prevention activities as well as brief early intervention services in Alameda County. For free events visit:

Service Address: 1415 Fruitvale Ave
Oakland, CA, 94601

Program Contact(s):

  • Agency Name: La Clinica De La Raza
    Phone: 510-535-4000
    Address: 3451 East 12th Street Oakland, CA 94601
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Davis Street Primary Care Clinic

Last Updated: May/19/2024

Agency Name: Davis Street Community Center Incorporated

Description: The Bill McCammon Health Center is a state of the art, licensed, Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) providing high quality, accessible and affordable Medical, Dental and Behavioral Health Services to all of Alameda County, in particular the safety net population who are uninsured or underinsured and have little to no options for affordable health care. The clinic provides full-scope primary care including general medicine, pediatrics, women’s health, family planning, preventive care, chronic disease management, health screenings, mental health services, dental care. In addition, Davis Street offers a variety of supportive services.

Service Address: 3081 Teagarden Street
San Leandro, CA, 94577

Program Contact(s):

  • Name: Carole McKinley Alvarez, PsyD
    Title: Chief Program Officer
    Phone: 510 347 4620
    Extension: 143
    Address: 3081 Teagarden Street San Leandro, Ca. 94577
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DV Support Groups

Last Updated: May/8/2024

Agency Name: A Safe Place

Description: A Safe Place is a non-profit domestic violence agency, providing battered victims and their children with safe shelter and resources to break the cycle of violence. A Safe Place provides victims the opportunity to connect with other victims who have experienced relationship abuse. For more information on their services or support groups call 510-986-8600.

Program Contact(s):

  • Agency Name: A Safe Place
    Phone: 510-986-8600
    Address: P.O. Box 23006 Oakland , CA 94623
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